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Adaptability and Stability of Soybean Genotypes in the States of Maranh�£o, Piau�­, Tocantins and Bahia

Author(s): O.T. Hamawaki, A.P.O. Nogueira, F.G. Teixeira, T.F. Bicalho, G.L. Jorge, R.L. Hamawaki, C.S. Machado J�ºnior, G.F. Gomes, C.L. Hamawaki

The soybean crop has a substantial importance for Brazil’s agribusiness and economy. Besides, breeding programs have contributed to the development of the crop in the country allowing grain yield increase and, at the same time, intensifying the production of new cultivars that show both yield predictability and wide adaptation. This study was aimed at evaluating the agronomic performance, adaptability, and stability of soybean genotypes in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins, and Bahia. The genotypes were evaluated to the extent of grain yield in the municipalities of Chapadinha (MA), Balsas (MA), Bom Jesus (PI), Porto Nacional (TO), and Formoso do Rio Preto (BA) under complete randomized block design, with three repetitions. Data were submitted to joint analyses and to studies of adaptability and stability by Wricke (1965), Eberhart and Russel (1966), and Annicchiarico (1992) methods. The genotypes UFUS 504, UFU 506, UFU 508, UFU 512, UFU 514, UFU 516, UFU 518, UFU 519, UFU 520, UFU 521, UFU 523, and UFUS Imperial showed wide stability and adaptability, whereas UFU 503, UFU 505, and UFUS Impact were adapted to favorable conditions.