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Allele frequencies of combined DNA index system (CODIS) and non-CODIS short tandem repeat loci in Goi�¡s, Central Brazil

Author(s): R.G. Rodovalho, G.S. Santos, L.M. Cavalcanti, B.F.S.M. Moura, E.L. Rodrigues, P.R. Lima, M.A.D. Gigonzac and T.C. Vieira

In studies of human identification, obtaining a high standard of outcomes and satisfactory conclusions are directly related to the use of highly polymorphic molecular markers. In addition to the combined DNA index system (CODIS) group, it is also important to implement non-CODIS markers into the analysis, as they increase the power of discrimination. During the identification process, it is essential to consider the genetic variation among distinct groups of populations, as the allele frequenciesare directly associated with the power of discrimination. However, the population of Goiás, a State located in Central Brazil, is characterized by a highly mixed population due to its diverse ethnic origins. In this study, a survey of the allelic frequencies in the Goiás population was carried out using a molecular assembly composed of 21 autosomal loci both from and external to the CODIS group. The new data, for some of the markers used, were statistically similar to those from previous studies. This consistency means that the use of these markers might serve as a parameter for future population comparisons. The results from these analyses further our knowledge of the study of human identification.