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Analysis of CD38 and ZAP70 mRNA expression among cytogenetic subgroups of Iranian chronic-lymphocytic-leukemia patients

Author(s): H. Teimori, M.T. Akbari, M. Hamid, M. Forouzandeh and E. Bibordi

Chromosomal abnormalities and ZAP70 expression profile are two major independent prognostic markers in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We investigated a possible correlation between these two markers. ZAP70 expression using real-time RT-PCR was examined in 20 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with del13q14, 13 patients with del11q22, 15 patients with trisomy 12, and 16 patients with no detected chromosomal abnormalities. Molecular analysis revealed that ZAP70 expression in the del13q subgroup was the same as in the control group, while it increased 2.78-fold in the del11q subgroup and 2.95-fold in the trisomy 12 subgroup, compared to the 15 cases in the control group. Comparison of the mean and standard deviation of the ZAP70 expression profile within the subgroups showed it to be highly variable among the individuals of the del11q and trisomy 12 subgroups, versus tight clustering for the del13q subgroup. Therefore, there is a correlation between del13q aberration, which has good prognosis with normal levels of ZAP70 expression. Due to a high degree of variation, no conformity is seen for del11q and trisomy 12 subgroups, making this grouping poor for prognostic discrimination. As a result, neither of these markers can serve as sole discriminators to determine the course of the disease; the use of both markers improves prognostic assessment.