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Analysis of �Fuji� apple somatic variants from next-generation sequencing

Author(s): H.S. Lee1, G.H. Kim1, S.I. Kwon2, J.H. Kim2, Y.S. Kwon2 and C. Choi1

The domesticated apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) is a major fruit crop of temperate regions of the world. ‘Fuji’ apple (Ralls Genet x Delicious), a famous apple cultivar in Korea, has been very popular since its promotion in Japan in 1958. ‘Fuji’ and its bud mutant cultivars possess variable levels of genetic diversity. Nonetheless, the phenotypes of each group, which are classified into the bud mutation groups: early season, fruiting spur, and coloring, are similar. Despite attempts to identify these bud mutation cultivars, molecular markers, which were developed before the emergence of next-generation sequencing technology, have not been able to distinguish each cultivar easily. In this study, we adopted the resequencing technique using the ‘Golden Delicious’ (Grimes Golden x Unknown) apple genome as a reference. SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and InDels (insertions or deletions) of ‘Fuji’ apple and its bud mutant cultivar were detected and SNPs and unique InDels distinct to each cultivar wereidentified. Data from this study may be used to identify bud mutant cultivars of ‘Fuji’ apples and be useful for further breeding of apples.