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Analysis of the relationship between ribosomal DNA ITS sequences and active components in Rhodiola plants

Author(s): D.J. Zhang, W.T. Yuan, M.T. Li and Y.H. Zhang

Rhodiola plants are a valuable resource in traditional Chinese medicine. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and the three active components in Rhodiola plants. For this, we determined ITS sequence polymorphisms and the concentrations of active components salidroside, tyrosol, and gallic acid in different Rhodiola species from the Tibetan Plateau. In a total of 23 Rhodiola samples, 16 different haplotypes were defined based on their ITS sequences. Analysis of the active components in these same samples revealed that salidroside was not detected in species with haplotypes H4, H5, or H10, tyrosol was not detected with haplotypes H3, H5, H7, H10, H14, or H15, and gallic acid was detected in with all haplotypes except H14 and H15. In addition, the concentrations of salidroside, tyrosol and gallic acid varied between samples with different haplotypes as well as those with the same haplotype, implying that no significant correlation exists between haplotype and salidroside, tyrosol or gallic acid concentrations. However, a statistically significant positive correlation was observed for among these three active components.