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Association between diabetes type 1 and DQB1* alleles in a case-control study conducted in Montevideo, Uruguay

Author(s): Adriana Mimbacas, Francisco P�©rez-Bravo, Pedro C. Hidalgo, Gerardo Javiel, Carmen Pisciottano, Rosario Grignola, Ana Mar�­a Jorge, Juan Pablo Gallino, Jackeline Gasagoite, Horacio Cardoso

We studied HLA DQB1 allele frequencies and the relative risk (RR) of various genotypes in 72 type 1 diabetic patients and 40 control individuals in Uruguay. This is a tri-racial (Caucasian, Black and Indo-American) mixed population. The products of the polymerase chain reaction amplifications were hybridized with oligonucleotides by allele-specific oligonucleotide reverse or dot blot methods. Significant differences between these two groups were observed only for allele DQB1*0302 (35%, RR = 7.34, Pvs 53%, P