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Association between RNF41 gene c.-206 T > A genetic polymorphism and risk of congenital heart diseases in the Chinese Mongolian population

Author(s): Y. Zhang, S.Q. Jin, W.X. Li, G.Q. Gao, K. Zhang and J.L. Huang

This study aimed to explore the association between ring finger protein 41 (RNF41) c.-206 T > A variant and susceptibility to congenital heart disease (CHD) in the Chinese Mongolian population. The association between RNF41 gene c.-206 T > A polymorphism and CHD was examined in two independent case-control studies consisting of 219 CHD patients and 208 healthy controls. Genotype was determined by direct sequencing of PCR products. We found that the genotype frequencies of RNF41 c.-206 T > A differ significantly between the two groups (P RNF41 c.-206 T > A polymorphism may be a risk factor for congenital heart disease in the Chinese Mongolian population.