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Association of three common single nucleotide polymorphisms of SLC7A7 with the development of glioma in a Chinese population

Author(s): H. Zhang and W.J. Shi

Gliomas are brain tumors that can be seriously damaging to human health. The SLC7 family is involved in amino acid or peptide transportation. The relationship between SLC7A7 polymorphisms and the development of glioma has been reported previously by a few studies. Therefore, we performed a hospital based case-control study to investigate the association of three common SNPs (rs12888930, rs12436190, and rs2065134) of SLC7A7 with the development of glioma in a Chinese population. From January 2014 to December 2015, 122 patients with glioma and 252 individuals (controls) were recruited from the department of neurosurgery of Tangshan People’s Hospital affiliated to North China University of Science and Technology. SLC7A7 rs12888930, rs12436190, and rs2065134 genotyping was performed by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that a significantly higher risk of glioma was harbored by the GG and AG + GG genotypes than by the AA genotype; OR (95%CI) was 2.24 (1.18-4.22) and 1.59 (1.01-2.60), respectively. However, no significant relationship was observed between SLC7A7 rs12888930 and rs2065134 and the risk of glioma. In conclusion, this study reports a significant association between SLC7A7 rs12436190 and the risk of glioma in a Chinese population.