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Blockage of cisplatin-induced autophagy sensitizes cervical cancer cells to cisplatin

Author(s): W.M. Lin and Z.G. Li

Development of chemoresistance is a major obstacle that leads to the recurrence and progression of cervical cancer (CC). Autophagy, meaning, “eating of self”, has shown paradoxical functions in tumors. In this study, we first investigated the process of autophagy induction by cisplatin in CC cells. Next, we investigated the role of autophagy in cisplatin-sensitivity of CC cells via blockage of cisplatin-induced autophagy. The results demonstrated that cisplatin induces autophagy in CC HeLa cells via upregulating the formation of autophagic vesicle, promoting the conversion of LC-I to LC-II, and increasing the expression of autophagy-related gene 7 (Atg-7). On the other hand, the autophagy inhibitor, 3MA, downregulated cisplatin-induced formation of autophagic vesicles, reduced the conversion of LC-I to LC-II, and decreased Atg-7 expression. Moreover, 3MA reversed the reduction in cellular viability and induction of apoptosis by cisplatin in HeLa cells. Our results imply that autophagy blockage may play a key role in the chemosensitivity of cervical cancers.