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Breeding new seedless grape by means of in vitro embryo rescue

Author(s): W. Ji, Z.-Q. Li, Q. Zhou, W.-K. Yao and Y.-J. Wang

This project aimed at breeding new seedless grape cultivars by embryo rescue through three hybridization methods: 1) using cross-breeding between seedless Vitis vinifera cultivars and wild Chinese Vitis spp; 2) crossing with two seedless cultivars, and 3) hybridization between grapes of different ploidy. Genotype, sampling times, and media were confirmed to play important roles in this system. Among the different genotypes, the productions of hybrid plants were significantly different, ranging from 23.0% (Ruby Seedless x Black Olympia) to only 1.1% (Pink Seedless x Beichun), except for the combinations from which no surviving seedlings were obtained.