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Cell nucleus activity during post-embryonic development of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera:Apidae). Intranuclear acid phosphatase

Author(s): Carminda da Cruz Landim, Rejane Daniele Reginato, Regina Lucia Morelli Silva de Moraes and Vagner Melo Cavalcante

We report nuclear acid phosphatase activity in the somatic (intra-ovariolar and stromatic) and germ cells of differentiating honey bee worker ovaries, as well as in the midgut cells of metamorphosing bees. There was heterogeneity in the intensity and distribution of electron dense deposits of lead phosphate, indicative of acid phosphatase activity in the nuclei of these tissues, during different phases of post-embryonic bee development. This heterogeneity was interpreted as a variation of the nuclear functional state, related to the cell functions in these tissues.