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CENP-B is a conserved gene among vegetal

Author(s): Olga Barbosa-Cisneros and Rafael Herrera-Esparza

To explore the CENP-B centromere protein in beans, carrots, onions and potatoes, total RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed by PCR, and the cDNA encoding the CENP-B amino terminus domain amplified using CENP-B oligonucleotides. Blots containing PCR products were hybridized with a nick-translated pG/CNPB probe containing a complete human CENP-B gene. In all the plant species, anti-CENP-B antibodies recognized an 80-kDa protein. A 360-bp sequence encoding for the amino terminus region of the CENP-B protein was amplified by PCR in all the species and the nick translated pG/CNPB probe hybridized with the PCR products. Apparently the CENP-B centromere protein or an equivalent protein is widely distributed in the vegetal kingdom.