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Circulatory microRNA-145 expression is increased in cerebral ischemia

Author(s): C.S. Gan, C.W. Wang and K.S. Tan

Cerebral ischemia or ischemic stroke is mainly attributed to vascular and circulation disorders. Among protein biomarkers, RNA profiles have also been identified as markers of ischemic stroke. MicroRNA-145 expression is ostensibly recognized as marker and modulator of vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype; however, expression levels in ischemic stroke had not been investigated. Employing real-time quantitative PCR, we examined the expression profile of circulatory microRNA-145 in healthy control subjects (N = 14) and ischemic stroke patients (N = 32). Circulatory microRNA-145 expression was significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients than in control subjects. This demonstrates that hemostatic mechanisms are affected by ischemic stroke. We conclude that circulating microRNA-145 has potential as a biomarker for ischemic stroke.