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Clinical significance of CD44 expression in children with hepatoblastoma

Author(s): H.-Y. Cai, B. Yu, Z.-C. Feng, X. Qi and X.-J. Wei

The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of CD44 and its clinical significance in children suffering from hepatoblastoma (HB). CD44 expression was detected with immunohistochemistry staining in 30 samples from hepatoblastoma children and 10 normal liver tissue samples from normal children. The data obtained was statistically analyzed using the chi-square test, using the SPSS (v.11.0) software. The rate of CD44 expression was significantly higher (66.7%) in hepatoblastoma tissues than in normal liver tissues (χ2 = 4.848, P < 0.05). The rate of CD44 expression was significantly higher in children with stage III or IV hepatoblastoma (83.3%) than that in children with stage I and II hepatoblastoma (χ2 = 5.625, P < 0.05) (41.7%). Therefore, CD44 expression might play an important role in the pathogenesis, progression, and prognosis of HB in children.