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Co-expression network analysis prioritizes signaling pathways regulating liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats

Author(s): Y. Zhou, J.C. Xu and C.S. Xu

The liver has extraordinary powers of regeneration following partial hepatectomy (PH). Changes in gene expression levels play a key role in cell proliferation and differentiation during liver regeneration (LR). To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying LR, this study was designed to assess the time-dependent changes in rat hepatic gene expression. We obtained a gene expression profile of rat LR with high temporal resolution. We then constructed gene co-expression networks of regenerating liver tissue and identified 13 LR-specific modules from 1772 differentially expressed genes, and prioritized signaling pathways that regulated LR after PH. The results indicated that adipocytokine signaling, histone acetylation, and IL-6-related pathways play an important role in LR. Co-expression network analysis provides novel insight into understanding the molecular mechanisms behind LR.