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Combined analysis of the MspI and XbaI polymorphisms in intron 22 of the factor VIII gene for detection of hemophilia A in a Korean population.

Author(s): S.H. Park, N. Chung, M.R. Lee, S.K. Yoo and Y.M. Choi

To determine the usefulness of MspI/int22h-1 (intron 22 homologous region-1) polymorphism of the factor VIII gene for molecular genetic diagnosis of hemophilia A in the Korean population, MspI/intron 22 and XbaI/intron 22 polymorphisms were analyzed in 101 unrelated Korean families with severe hemophilia A. The expected heterozygosity rates of MspI/int22h-1 and XbaI/int22h-1 polymorphisms were 49.5 and 43.6%, respectively; these polymorphisms were not in complete linkage disequilibrium. Combined analysis using both polymorphisms provided an informative rate of 66.3%. These results suggest that PCR analysis of the MspI/int22h-1 polymorphism of the factor VIII gene would be useful for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis of hemophilia A in the Korean population.