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Comparing data on the reproduction of Varroa destructor

Author(s): Maria H. CorrĂ?ÂȘa-Marques, Luis Medina Medina, Stephen J. Martin, D. De Jong

Varroa destructor reproductive success is considered an important character for determining the resistance of honey bees to this mite parasite. However, most of the published data are not comparable due to the different methods of ascertaining and reporting reproduction. A recently published technique that involves reconstructing mite families in older worker brood gives repeatable and reliable parameters. This methodology was used to compare various categories of reproduction of approximately 1,000 V. destructor females in each of three studies on Africanized bees in Brazil and Mexico and European bees in England. The most objective and useful measure was the determination of the number of viable females per female that had invaded the worker brood in singly infested cells, which was denominated the “effective reproduction rate”. Viable females are those that can reach the adult stage and have a mate available. The effective reproduction rate in worker brood was 0.64, 0.73 and 1.01 in Brazil, Mexico and England, respectively. Standardization of reproduction determination techniques would make published data comparable and much more useful.