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Descriptor selection for banana accessions based on univariate and multivariate analysis

Author(s): L.P. Brand�£o, C.P.F. Souza, V.M. Pereira, S.O. Silva, J.A. Santos-Serejo, C.A.S. Ledo and E.P. Amorim

Our objective was to establish a minimum number of morphological descriptors for the characterization of banana germplasm and evaluate the efficiency of removal of redundant characters, based on univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. Phenotypic characterization was made of 77 accessions from Bahia, Brazil, using 92 descriptors. The selection of the descriptors was carried out by principal components analysis (quantitative) and by entropy (multi-category). Efficiency of elimination was analyzed by a comparative study between the clusters formed, taking into consideration all 92 descriptors and smaller groups. The selected descriptors were analyzed with the Ward-MLM procedure and a combined matrix formed by the Gower algorithm. We were able to reduce the number of descriptors used for characterizing the banana germplasm (42%). The correlation between the matrices considering the 92 descriptors and the selected ones was 0.82, showing that the reduction in the number of descriptors did not influence estimation of genetic variability between the banana accessions. We conclude that removing these descriptors caused no loss of information, considering the groups formed from pre-established criteria, including subgroup/subspecies.