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Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Solen grandis using Illumina sequencing approach

Author(s): Y.W. Feng, H.L. Jiang, Y.T. Liu, X.P. Wu, X.Q. Liu and X.M. Wei

Solen grandis is an important economic and overexploited bivalve species. In order to perform its fine-scale genetic analyses, 105 pairs of microsatellites with polymorphism were identified through Illumina Hiseq platform and bioinformatic assembly technology in this study. The estimated fragment size ranged from 100 to 268 bp and the number of alleles per locus varied between 2 and 23. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.0667 to 1.0000 and 0.0966 to 0.9492, respectively. Fourteen loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. These microsatellite markers developed in this study would be helpful for future genetic studies on S. grandis and closely related species.