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Development of 1047 insertion-deletion markers for rice genetic studies and breeding

Author(s): Y.X. Zeng*, Z.H. Wen*, L.Y. Ma, Z.J. Ji, X.M. Li and C.D. Yang

In this study, a total of 1047 insertion-deletion (InDel) primer pairs distributed across the rice genome were developed and experimentally validated. The primer pairs were designed based on the InDel length polymorphisms between 93-11 (Oryza sativa ssp indica cv.) and Nipponbare (Oryza sativa ssp japonica cv.), aiming for utilization between indica and japonica rice, or between other inter-subspecific rice cultivars. The 1047 primer pairs were dispersed across all 12 of the rice chromosomes, with one InDel marker found every 371.3 kb on average. The InDel length of the markers varied from 3 to 39 bp: 88.2% of the markers contained 6 to 25 bp, only 6.2% of markers were ≤5 bp, and 5.6% were ≥26 bp. Six hundred and twenty-three (59.5%) of the 1047 InDel markers were shown to amplify well and were polymorphic between Taichung65 and IR8, and 476 (45.5%) markers were polymorphic between Lemont and Yangdao4, while 398 (38.0%) were polymorphic in both combinations. These results demonstrated that the polymerase chain reaction-based InDel markers developed in this study could be of immediate use for rice genetic studies and breeding programs. In this study, a total of 1047 insertion-deletion (InDel) primer pairs distributed across the rice genome were developed and experimentally validated. The primer pairs were designed based on the InDel length polymorphisms between 93-11 (Oryza sativa ssp indica cv.) and Nipponbare (Oryza sativa ssp japonica cv.), aiming for utilization between indica and japonica rice, or between other inter-subspecific rice cultivars. The 1047 primer pairs were dispersed across all 12 of the rice chromosomes, with one InDel marker found every 371.3 kb on average. The InDel length of the markers varied from 3 to 39 bp: 88.2% of the markers contained 6 to 25 bp, only 6.2% of markers were ≤5 bp, and 5.6% were ≥26 bp. Six hundred and twenty-three (59.5%) of the 1047 InDel markers were shown to amplify well and were polymorphic between Taichung65 and IR8, and 476 (45.5%) markers were polymorphic between Lemont and Yangdao4, while 398 (38.0%) were polymorphic in both combinations. These results demonstrated that the polymerase chain reaction-based InDel markers developed in this study could be of immediate use for rice genetic studies and breeding programs.