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Development of polymorphic microsatellite loci for a new fish species, Chinese sillago (Sillago sinica)

Author(s): N. Song, L.Y. Wang, L.N. Yin, Z.Q. Han and T.X. Gao

Sillago sinica is a newly identified species belonging to Sillaginidae, Perciforms, and was found along the coast of China in 2011. In the present study, 81 microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched genomic library, and 24 positive clones containing microsatellite repeats had adequate flanking sequences for the development of PCR primers. Sixteen of these primers were monomorphic or would not amplify. Eight were polymorphic in an examined population with the number of alleles per locus ranging from 2 to 14. The number of observed and expected heterozygosities per locus varied from 0.125 to 0.958 and from 0.120 to 0.904, respectively. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.110 to 0.721. All loci conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05) after Bonferroni correction. There was no significant linkage disequilibrium between the eight polymorphic loci. These results suggest that these markers may be very useful for the characterization of natural populations of this species.