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Diagnostic performance of anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Author(s): S.Y. Pang, H.Y. Liu, Y.J. Huang, Y.F. Liu, Y.M. Dai, P. Zeng and H.S. Zeng

The prevalence rates of anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPAs) were investigated in a cohort of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients, and their diagnostic performances were compared. ACPAs, including anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide IgG (anti-CCP), anti-CCP IgG/IgA (anti-CCP3.1), citrullinated recombinant rat filaggrin antibodies (CPA), anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV), and antibodies to citrullinated human IgG-derived peptides (RA/CP), were measured in the sera from 81 JIA patients. Serum samples from 55 children with other joint diseases or viral infections and 49 healthy donors were tested as controls. Of the 81 JIA patients, 7 (8.6%), 8 (9.9%), 17 (21.0%), 23 (28.4%), and 18 (22.2%) were found to be positive for anti-CCP, anti-CCP3.1, CPA, anti-MCV, and RA/CP, respectively, with specificities of 98.1, 95.1, 93.3, 84.6, and 86.5%. Analysis by subtype revealed that 7/7 (100%) of RF-positive polyarticular JIA patients tested positive at high serum levels for anti-MCV or RA/CP, and 5/7 (71.4%) were positive for anti-CCP, anti- CCP3.1, or CPA.