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Diversity and genetic structure of mangaba remnants in states of northeastern Brazil

Author(s): J.A.E. Amorim, L.R. Mata, A.S. L�©do, V.C.R. Azevedo andA.V.C. Silva

In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and structure of remnants of mangaba populations in states of northeastern Brazil by applying 9 microsatellite markers previously developed to establish conservation strategies for germplasm and species preservation. Six to 20 individuals per population were analyzed, with a total of 94 individuals and 6 populations from the states of Ceará, Pernambuco, and Sergipe, Brazil. The intra-population positive fixation index (f) in all populations indicated inbreeding resulting from the lack of random mating. The mean genetic diversity index values GST, FST, and RST estimated for divergence among the 6 populations were 0.14 (P FST value (P ≥ 0.05) was observed between the Jacarecoara and Tapera populations (0.005) and the highest between the Barra dos Coqueiros and Jacarecoara populations (0.287). The Jacarecoara population was the most divergent among the populations analyzed. According to analysis of molecular variance results, the largest variation percentage resulted from variability within populations (83.18%). Bayesian clustering analysis showed the formation of 2 sets (K = 2). Our results are important for developing strategies for in situ conservation of the species, seed collection, and ex situ conservation. For both methods, conservation of the greatest possible genetic variability of the species is essential.