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Effects of genetic variants of CCR5 chemokine receptors on oral squamous cell carcinoma

Author(s): C.R. Tanyel1, Z.B. Cincin2, B. Gokcen-Rohlig1, K. Bektas-Kayhan3, M. Unur3 and B. Cakmakoglu2

We aimed to evaluate the effect of genetic variants of the chemokine C-C motif receptor (CCR5) in the pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). A total of 127 patients diagnosed with OSCC and 104 healthy individuals were included in the study. The polymorphisms CCR5 59029 and CCR5-delta32 were assessed with the polymerase chain reaction-restricted fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method from peripheral blood samples of both groups. There was a statistically significant difference between the control and patient groups for CCR5 59029 A/G genotypes (P < 0.01). Individuals carrying the CCR5 59029 G allele (GG +AG genotypes) had a 2.84-fold increased risk for OSCC (P < 0.0001), and the CCR5 59029 AA genotype frequency was higher in the control group than in the patient group (P < 0.0001). The CCR5-delta 32 genotype frequencies did not differ significantly between controls and cases (P > 0.05). CCR5 59029 GG and CCR5- delta32 DD + ID genotype frequencies were significantly increased in Grade II-III OSCC patients compared with Grade I-II OSCC patients. In conclusion, these results suggested that the G allele of the CCR5 59029 polymorphism might be a risk factor due to the loss of receptor function that might cause increased inflammation leading to the development of OSCC.