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Elevated micronucleus frequencies in patients with pleural plaque secondary to environmental exposure to asbestos

Author(s): M. G�¶vercin, A.G. Tomat�±r, F. Evyapan, �°. Acikbas, G. Co��kun and B. Akdag

We examined genotoxic damage and frequency of micronuclei in people living in the Bekilli and Suller districts of Denizli city who had been diagnosed with pleural plaques as a result of environmental exposure to asbestos. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 30 volunteer patients 59-86 years old who did not smoke or consume alcohol and who were diagnosed with calcified pleural plaques. We also examined 30 healthy controls with similar features, who also lived in downtown Denizli. Micronucleus frequencies, nuclear division index, and mitotic index were determined. Micronucleus frequency, nuclear division index, and mitotic index were significantly higher in patients who had been exposed to asbestos than in the controls. We conclude that asbestos had a genotoxic effect, resulting in an increase in micronucleus frequency and other changes in patients diagnosed with pleural plaques secondary to asbestos exposure.