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Enhancement of pectinase production by ultraviolet irradiation and diethyl sulfate mutagenesis of a Fusarium oxysporum isolate

Author(s): L.B. Yin, C.F. Zhang, Q.L. Xia, Y. Yang, K. Xiao and L.Z. Zhao

Fusarium oxysporum strain BM-201 was treated with ultraviolet (UV) radiation to obtain a high pectinase-producing strain. Mutant UV-10-41 was obtained and then treated by diethyl sulfate. Next, the mutant UV-diethyl sulfate-43 derived from UV-10-41 was selected as high pectinase-producing strain. Mutant UV-diethyl sulfate-43 was incubated on slant for 10 generations, demonstrating that the pectinase-producing genes were stable. Pectinase activity reached 391.2 U/mL, which is 73.6% higher than that of the original strain.