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Entoepidemiology of Chagas disease in northwest S�£o Paulo and cytogenetic analysis of its main vector, Triatoma sordida (Hemiptera: Triatominae)

Author(s): R. Silistino-Souza1, K.C.C. Alevi1, N.F.C. Castro1, M.N. Freitas1, M.D. Papa2, S.A.S. Scandar2, R.R. Bestetti3, J.A. Rosa4 and M.T.V. Azeredo-Oliveira

One century after the discovery of Chagas disease, it is still considered as a major health problem, causing more deaths in the Americas than any other parasitic disease. The northwest region of São Paulo, a macro-region that includes cities with a high-quality of life, has particularly high rates of Chagas disease.