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Evaluation of a cassava translationally controlled tumor protein (MeTCTP) reveals its function in thermotolerance of Escherichia coli and in vitro chaperone-like activity

Author(s): Deyvid Novaes Marques, S�¡vio Pinho dos Reis, Cl�¡udia Regina Batista de Souza

The TCTP (Translationally controlled tumor protein) is a highly conserved protein family found in eukaryotic organisms, which has been associated to the performance of several functions at the cellular level, as those related to growth, development, and responses against environmental stresses. However, studies on TCTP from plants are still incipient. Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a crop of great socioeconomic importance for millions of people in the world, especially because of its high energy content. Previous studies reported the identification of a cassava TCTP (MeTCTP) with potential roles in storage root formation and salt stress response. Here, our main goal was to increase the understanding about the roles of MeTCTP in response to abiotic stresses. We verified that the overexpression of recombinant MeTCTP in Escherichia coli increased tolerance of bacterial cells to heat stress. In addition, the recombinant MeTCTP was purified by nickel affinity and evaluated by chaperone activity assays, which showed its ability to preserve the function of NdeI restriction enzyme under thermal denaturation conditions. Results presented here provided insights into the relationship of MeTCTP with responses of plants to abiotic stresses