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Further phenotypic characterization of pso mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with respect to DNA repair and response to oxidative stress

Author(s): Cristina Pungartnik, Jaqueline Picada, Martin Brendel and Jo�?£o A.P. Henriques

The sensitivity responses of seven pso mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the mutagens N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), 1,2:7,8-diepoxyoctane (DEO), and 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) further substantiated their allocation into two distinct groups: genes PSO1 (allelic to REV3), PSO2 (SNM1), PSO4 (PRP19), and PSO5 (RAD16) constitute one group in that they are involved in repair of damaged DNA or in RNA processing whereas genes PSO6 (ERG3) and PSO7 (COX11) are related to metabolic steps protecting from oxidative stress and thus form a second group, not responsible for DNA repair. PSO3 has not yet been molecularly characterized but its pleiotropic phenotype would allow its integration into either group. The first three PSO genes of the DNA repair group and PSO3, apart from being sensitive to photo-activated psoralens, have another common phenotype: they are also involved in error-prone DNA repair. While all mutants of the DNA repair group and pso3 were sensitive to DEO and NDEA the pso6 mutant revealed WT or near WT resistance to these mutagens. As expected, the repair-proficient pso7-1 and cox11-Δ mutant alleles conferred high sensitivity to NDEA, a chemical known to be metabolized via redox cycling that yields hydroxylamine radicals and reactive oxygen species. All pso mutants exhibited some sensitivity to 8HQ and again pso7-1 and cox11-Δ conferred the highest sensitivity to this drug. Double mutant snm1-Δ cox11-Δ exhibited additivity of 8HQ and NDEA sensitivities of the single mutants, indicating that two different repair/recovery systems are involved in survival. DEO sensitivity of the double mutant was equal or less than that of the single snm1-Δ mutant. In order to determine if there was oxidative damage to nucleotide bases by these drugs we employed an established bacterial test with and without metabolic activation. After S9-mix biotransformation, NDEA and to a lesser extent 8HQ, lead to significantly higher mutagenesis in an Escherichia coli tester strain WP2-IC203 as compared to WP2, whereas DEO-induced mutagenicity remained unchanged.