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FYB polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with type I diabetes mellitus and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III

Author(s): C.J.C. Addobbati, J. de Azev�ªdo Silva, N.A.C. Tavares, J. Ara�ºjo, R.L. Guimar�£es, L. Brand�£o, S. Crovella and P. Sandrin-Garcia

The present study investigates the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) on urinary bladder pressure (UBP) in patients with acute gastrointestinal injury (AGI). Twenty patients with AGI admitted to the First Hospital of Jiaxing intensive care unit from December 2011 to June 2013 were evaluated. Conventional group patients (n = 10) were administered moderate enteral nutritional support, and electroacupuncture group patients (n = 10) were administered enteral nutritional support followed by EA at bilateral Zusanli (ST-36), Shangjuxu (ST-37), Hegu (LI-4), and QuChi (LI-11) acupoints. UBP was then measured every 6 h and the serum creatinine once daily for 7 days. There were no statistically significant patient demographic differences in the study groups (P > 0.05). The initial UBP of both patient groups was ≥12 mmHg. On days 6 and 7, the UBP significantly decreased in the EA group compared to the conventional group (P