Genetic characterization of an elite coffee germplasm assessed by gSSR and EST-SSR markers
Author(s): R.F. Missio, E.T. Caixeta, E.M. Zambolim, G.F. Pena, L. Zambolim, L.A.S. Dias and N.S. Sakiyama
Coffee is one of the main agrifood commodities traded worldwide. In 2009, coffee accounted for 6.1% of the value of Brazilian agricultural production, generating a revenue of US$6 billion. Despite the importance of coffee production in Brazil, it is supported by a narrow genetic base, with few accessions. Molecular differentiation and diversity of a coffee breeding program were assessed with gSSR and EST-SSR markers. The study comprised 24 coffee accessions according to their genetic origin: arabica accessions (six traditional genotypes of C. arabica), resistant arabica (six leaf rust-resistant C. arabica genotypes with introgression of HÃ?Âbrido de Timor), robusta (five C. canephora genotypes), HÃ?Âbrido de Timor (three C. arabica x C. canephora), triploids (three C. arabica x C. racemosa), and racemosa (one C. racemosa). Allele and polymorphism analysis, AMOVA, the Student t-test, JaccardâÂ?Â?s dissimilarity coefficient, cluster analysis,