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Genetic diversity and relatedness between Canind�© and British Alpine goat breeds in Northeastern Brazil accessed by microsatellite markers

Author(s): T.S. C�¢mara, J.F. Nunes, F.M. Diniz, G.R. Silva, A.M. Ara�ºjo

The aim of this study was to access the genetic diversity and relatedness between Canind�© and British Alpine goat breeds in the States of Piau�­ and Cear�¡ using microsatellite markers. Genomic DNA was isolated from hair samples of 99 goats belonging to six different flocks. A panel of polymorphic heterologous microsatellite loci was used to genotype individuals. The microsatellite markers resulted in a total number of 145 alleles, with an average of 8.5 alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities were â�¥0.687 and â�¥0.627, respectively, for all loci. The polymorphic information content showed that all loci were highly informative with an overall mean of 0.757. Overall FST across all populations and loci was 18%, which was consistent with the coefficient of gene differentiation (GST = 0.104). AMOVA revealed that 12.8% of the variation was captured between breeds. The Bayesian STRUCTURE clustering detected the maximum likelihood for a model of two genetically distinct groups, in agreement with the number of predefined studied breeds and the two-dimensional plot from the PCoA analysis. The exotic British Alpine breed and the naturalized Brazilian Canind�© breed were clearly differentiated by the microsatellite markers, indicating that these two breeds have distant genetic identities, despite the phenotypic similarity.