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Genetic Evaluation of Brassica juncea and Sinapis alba Seedling Traits under Multi Stress Conditions

Author(s): H. Khan, M.S. Rashid, Q. Ali and A. Malik

Brassica is an important oil seed crop plant species grown throughout the world. Brassica juncea and Sinapis alba are very sensitive to abiotic stress conditions which included drought, heat, salt, heavy metals and cold which disturb their growth and yield. For this purpose to check the effect of heavy metals, salt and drought, an experiment was conducted the green house of Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore. Seeds were grown in 36 ports filled with pure 2 kg sand. The treatments that used for both varieties were included control (no stress applied), T1 (40% H2O), T2 (60% H2O), T3 (0.25 mM NaCl), T4 (0.5 mM NaCl), T5 (0.25 mM ZnSO4), T6 (0.5 mM ZnSO4). The average performance of both plant species was highly affected due to heavy metals, salt and drought stress applications. The study was concluded that different abiotic stresses effect the growth, structure and functions of cells of plants. The higher genetic advance and heritability were recorded for most of the studied traits of Sinapis alba as Brassica juncea also it was concluded from mean comparisons under all stress conditions that Sinapis alba performed batter under stress conditions and showed as a good stress tolerant genotype that can be very useful for the improving of oil yield and productivity under different abiotic stresses.