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Genetic variants in exon 1 region of FABP3 gene in relation to milk production traits in Sahiwal and Karan Fries cattle

Author(s): Alok Kumar Yadav and Anupama Mukherjee

The present study pertained to records on milk production and milk constituents of 100 Sahiwal cattle and 115 Karan Fries cattle, the data collected over a period of 2004 to 2016 from Animal Genetics and Breeding division from ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana. In Sahiwal SNP at position G649C was found to be highly associated with FLTMY and FL305DFY and however the association was non-significant for FL305DMY, FL305DSNFY and FL305DPY. GC genotype was superior with respect to FL305DPY and FL305DFY traits, whereas, homozygous (GG) genotype was superior for rest of other traits. In Karan Fries SNP at position G649C was found to be highly associated with FL305DFY and however, the association was non-significant for FL305DMY, FLTMY, FL305DSNFY and FL305DPY. Heterozygote GC genotype was superior for all traits; however the superiority is significantly higher for FL305DFY traits in present study.