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Genetic variation in a wild population of the �sleep� passion fruit (Passiflora setacea) based on molecular markers

Author(s): C.B.M. Cerqueira-Silva, E.S.L. Santos, L.D.H.C.S. Concei�§�£o, C.B. Cardoso-Silva, A.S. Pereira, A.C. Oliveira and R.X. Corr�ªa

Little is known about the molecular genetic diversity of most Passiflora species. We used RAPD markers to evaluate the genetic diversity of 24 genotypes of the ‘sleep’ passion fruit (Passiflora setacea). Twelve primers generated 95 markers, 88% of which were polymorphic. The genetic distance estimated by the complement of the Dice index ranged from 0.29 (among accessions Ps-G1 and Ps-G13) to 0.69 (among accessions Ps-G21 and Ps-G23). Genotype grouping based on the UPGMA algorithm showed considerable variability among genotypes. We conclude that P. setacea has a broad genetic base that could be exploited in breeding programs.