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Identification of 19 loci for reproductive traits in a local Chinese chicken by genome-wide study

Author(s): Q.C. Fan, P.F. Wu, G.J. Dai, G.X. Zhang, T. Zhang, Q. Xue,H.Q. Shi, J.Y. Wang

Reproductive traits have long been studied and have an important influence on chicken breeding. To identify quantitative trait loci affecting reproductive traits, a genome-wide analysis of a Chinese chicken breed was performed to analyze age at first egg body weight at first egg, first egg weight, egg weight at the age of 300 days, egg weight at the age of 462 days, egg number at the age of 300 days, egg number between the ages of 300 and 462 days and egg number at the age of 462 days. Nineteen SNPs related to reproductive traits were presented (P < 1.80E-6). Nine of the 19 SNPs had a significant effect on BWF, six SNPs were significantly associated with egg weight, and four SNPs were significantly associated with egg number. These SNPs were located near to or in 17 genes including FAM184B, HTT, KCNH7, CDC42BPA, KCNIP4, GJA5, CBFB, and GPC6. The present results may be beneficial for reproductive research and may be used in marker-assisted selection in future studies. These results could potentially benefit further breeding programs, especially in Jinghai Yellow Chicken.