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Identification of ANAPC13 gene polymorphisms associated with body measurement traits in Bos taurus

Author(s): B.J. Jiang X.L. Zhan C.Z. Fu H.B. Wang G. Cheng L.S. Zan

Body measurement traits, influenced by genes and environmental factors, play numerous important roles in the value assessment of productivity and economy. There has been some indication that ANAPC13 influences adult height. We used PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing technology to identify polymorphisms in the ANAPC13 gene. A polymorphism in intron 1 (A > G at base 17) was identified and an additional polymorphic site (C > T at base 42) was also uncovered, which accompanied the previous polymorphism in more than 98% of the subjects. The two novel polymorphisms in exon 1 were assayed and potential associations with body measurement traits were evaluated in 404 individuals. Three genotypes were detected in the study group, named AACC, AGCT and GGTT. Significant differences were observed between genotypes AACC and AGCT for body length, withers height, hip height, hip width, heart girth, pin bone width. However, no associations were found among any genotypes and chest depth. We conclude that polymorphisms and mutations in non-coding regions of the ANAPC13 gene significantly affect body measurement traits. Body measurement traits, influenced by genes and environmental factors, play numerous important roles in the value assessment of productivity and economy. There has been some indication that ANAPC13 influences adult height. We used PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing technology to identify polymorphisms in the ANAPC13 gene. A polymorphism in intron 1 (A > G at base 17) was identified and an additional polymorphic site (C > T at base 42) was also uncovered, which accompanied the previous polymorphism in more than 98% of the subjects. The two novel polymorphisms in exon 1 were assayed and potential associations with body measurement traits were evaluated in 404 individuals. Three genotypes were detected in the study group, named AACC, AGCT and GGTT. Significant differences were observed between genotypes AACC and AGCT for body length, withers height, hip height, hip width, heart girth, pin bone width. However, no associations were found among any genotypes and chest depth. We conclude that polymorphisms and mutations in non-coding regions of the ANAPC13 gene significantly affect body measurement traits.