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Identification of disturbed pathways in heart failure based on Gibbs sampling and pathway enrichment analysis

Author(s): P. Chen, L.H. Guo, Y.K. Guo, Z.J. Qu, Y. Gao and H. Qiu

We identified disturbed pathways in heart failure (HF) based on Gibbs sampling combined with pathway enrichment analysis. A total of 396 Markov chains (MCs) (gene count >5) were obtained. After Gibbs sampling, six differentially expressed molecular functions (DEMFs) (possibility ≥0.8) were obtained. As statistical analysis was performed on the number of individual differentially expressed genes (DEGs), we found that there were 137 DEGs with frequency of occurrence ≥2 in the DEMFs. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that these 137 DEGs were enriched in eight significant pathways under the condition.