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Identification of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) cultivars by using simple sequence repeat markers

Author(s): L.-F. Jiang1, X.-Q. Zhang1, X. Ma1, L.-K. Huang1, W.-G. Xie2, Y.-M. Ma1 and Y.-F. Zhao1

The accurate identification of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) cultivars is necessary to ensure purity for consumers, the effective utilization of cultivars, and to protect the intellectual property for breeders. Therefore, this study aimed to use SSR to construct DNA fingerprinting of orchardgrass cultivars. The genetic diversity of 32 orchardgrass cultivars originated from 21 countries, but grown in China, was assessed using a set of 29 SSR markers distributed across 9 linkage groups of the orchardgrass genome. A total of 229 bands were detected, with an average of 7.9 bands per marker. The average polymorphic rate for the species was 92.1%.