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Increased survivin expression and its association with clinical parameters of congenital choledochal cysts

Author(s): Z.G. Wu, G.X. Li, B. Wang, Z.M. Chen and Q. Feng

The aim of the current study was to investigate survivin expression in congenital choledochal cysts (CCCs), and its associations with clinical parameters of CCCs. In total, 121 children with CCCs were included in this study as the case group, and their cysts were staged according to the Todani classification system. Additionally, 49 normal gallbladder specimens from healthy children were included as the control group. Survivin detection was conducted using immunohistochemical staining. Associations between positive survivin expression and clinical parameters of CCCs were then analyzed. Positive survivin expression was observed in the cytoplasm, and was seen as granular with yellow or dark brown staining. In the case group, positive survivin expression was detected in most tissues. Specifically, compared to that of normal tissues, the cystic-shaped and fusiform-shaped CCC tissues had significantly higher positive survivin expression rates.