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Influence of Arg72Pro polymorphisms of TP53 on the response of buccal cells to radiotherapy.

Author(s): L. Pereira, M.R.S. Carvalho, C.G. Fonseca, S.S.S. Lima, E.M.M. Cerqueira, W. Jorge and M.C.L. Castro

Polymorphisms in the TP53 gene codon 72 (Arg72Pro) influence apoptosis induction and DNA damage repair. We evaluated how variants of protein p53 (p53Arg and p53Pro) affect cell death and DNA damage repair by analyzing the frequencies of karyorrhexis and micronuclei. There were significant differences in the frequency of karyorrhexis between the three p53 genotypes (Arg/Arg, Arg/Pro, and Pro/Pro), between samples taken before and after radiotherapy, and between patients and controls. The frequency of micronucleated cells increased significantly after radiotherapy. There were no significant differences in the micronucleus frequency in healthy tissues of these patients compared to controls, or in the comparisons between the three genotypes. We conclude that Arg72Pro polymorphism influences cell apoptotic capacity. This is the first study investigating karyorrhexis and micronuclei, as indicators of apoptosis after radiotherapy, and how these indicators are influenced by the TP53 polymorphism Arg72Pro.