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Influence of the 48867A>C (Asp358Ala) IL6R polymorphism on response to a lifestyle modification intervention in individuals with metabolic syndrome

Author(s): V.R.A. Vargas, S.L. Bonatto, F.E. Macagnan, A.M.P. Feoli, C.S. Alho, N.D.V. Santos and V.M. Schmitt

We evaluated the response of individuals with metabolic syndrome to lifestyle modification intervention and examined the influence of the 48867A>C (Asp358Ala) IL6R (rs2228145) polymorphism on this response. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: NI, nutritional intervention; NIE, nutritional intervention and exercise practice. Intervention lasted three months and participants completed a comprehensive evaluation and had blood collected for biochemical measurements. Eighty-two sedentary individuals with at least three criteria for metabolic syndrome were included. Comparing metabolic syndrome parameters before and after intervention, a reduction of waist circumference was observed, although significant only for AA and AC genotypes. Also, a decrease in triglyceride levels was observed (significant for AA genotype individuals; for the AC genotype, only in the NIE group). Significant reduction of fasting glucose level was observed in all AA genotype individuals; for the AC genotype, only in the NI group. Systolic blood pressure showed significant reduction in AA and AC genotype individuals. After three months of lifestyle modification intervention, improvement in some of the metabolic syndrome parameters was observed, some associated with the IL6R genotype. At enrollment, participants with genotypes AA and AC showed more severe conditions regarding metabolic syndrome inclusion criteria, supporting previous reports that the A allele is a genetic risk factor. These individuals, however, had a better response to intervention compared to individuals with the CC genotype, suggesting that nutritional control and exercise practice could prevent risks associated with metabolic syndrome more efficiently in individuals bearing the A allele.