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Intestinal Dysbiosis Increases the Incidence of Malignant Melanoma in Mice Model

Author(s): Xiaomeng Ren, Xin Zhang, Yanyan Zhu, Yaser Gamallat, Abdo Meyiah, Shenhao Ma, Yi Xin

Antibiotic-induced disruption of the intestinal microbiota has serious consequences for human physiology. We conducted a microbial dysbiosis animal model to study and directly provide evidence for microbial dysbiosis contribution to malignant melanoma animal model. Females C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice injected with a limiting threshold number of B16/F1 melanoma cells and the tumor development was observed with and without probiotics treatment. Treatment with probiotic could restore microbiota diversity and indirectly effect the tumor incidence. In microbial dysbiosis group tumor incidence was 83.33%. Also, the expression level of inflammatory proteins NFkB-p65; IL-6; and STAT-3 were remarkably enhanced in microbial dysbiosis group compared to probiotic treated group. Altogether, our findings demonstrated that microbial dysbiosis can strike the balance between immunity and tumorigenesis, and increase the incidence of malignant melanoma in mice. Probiotic treatment significantly reduced tumor incidence