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Investigation on the association between NLRP3 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to primary gout

Author(s): L.F. Wang, Y.J. Ding, Q. Zhao, X.L. Zhang

We conducted a case-control study to investigate the association between 3 common NALP3 polymorphisms (rs10754558, rs7512998, and rs12137901) and the susceptibility to primary gout. A total of 320 patients with primary gout and 320 controls were included in this study. The genotyping of NALP3 rs10754558, rs7512998, and rs12137901 were conducted by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Comparison analysis showed that primary gout patients were more likely to have higher body mass index, prevalence of hypertension, blood glucose, triglycerides, urea nitrogen, and uric acid (P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis revealed no significant association between the NALP3 rs10754558, rs7512998, and rs12137901 polymorphisms and the risk of gouty arthritis. In conclusion, we found no significant association between NALP3 gene polymorphisms and the risk of primary gout.