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Isolation and identification of new pollen-specific SFB genes in Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)

Author(s): P.P. Wang, Z.H. Gao, Z.J. Ni, W.B. Zhuang and Z. Zhang

SFB, a candidate gene for the pollen S gene, has been identified in several species of Prunus (Rosaceae). We isolated 5 new SFB alleles from 6 Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) lines using a specific Prunus SFB primer pair (SFB-C1F and Pm-Vb), which was designed from conserved regions of Prunus SFB. The nucleotide sequences of these SFB genes were submitted to the GenBank database. The 5 new SFB alleles share typical structural features with SFB alleles from other Prunus species and were found to be polymorphic, with 67.08 to 96.91% amino acid identity. These new SFB alleles were specifically expressed in the pollen. We conclude that the PmSFB alleles that we identified are the pollen S determinants of Japanese apricot; they have potential as a tool for studies of the mechanisms of pollen self-incompatibility.