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Karyotypic characterization of Iheringichthys labrosus (Pisces, Pimelodidae): C-, G- and restriction endonuclease banding

Author(s): Rafael Augusto de Carvalho and Ana LĂ?Âșcia Dias

Various chromosomal banding techniques were utilized on the catfish, Iheringichthys labrosus, taken from the Capivara Reservoir. C-banding regions were evidenced in telomeric regions of most of the chromosomes. The B microchromosome appeared totally heterochromatic. The restriction endonuclease AluI produced a banding pattern similar to C-banding in some chromosomes; the B microchromosome, when present, was not digested by this enzyme and remained stained. G-banding was conspicuous in almost all the chromosomes, with the centromeres showing negative G-banding. When the restriction endonuclease BamHI was used, most of the telomeres remained intact, while some centromeres were weakly digested. The B chromosome was also not digested by this enzyme. The first pair of chromosomes showed a pattern of longitudinal bands, both with G-banding and BamHI; this was more evident with G-banding. This banding pattern can be considered a chromosomal marker for this population of I. labrosus.