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Lack of association between ERCC5 gene polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk in a Chinese population

Author(s): J.J. Lu, H.Q. Zhang, P. Mai, X. Ma, X. Chen, Y.X. Yang and L.P. Zhang

We conducted a case-control study to assess the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ERCC5 promoter (rs2094258 and rs751402) and development of gastric cancer in a Chinese population. This investigation included 184 patients with pathologically diagnosed gastric cancer and 206 healthy subjects recruited between October 2012 and December 2014. The genotyping of ERCC5 rs2094258 and rs751402 variants was performed by polymerase chain reaction coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism. Genotype distributions of these polymorphisms conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in both patient (P = 0.25 for rs2094258 and P = 0.61 for rs751402) and control groups (P = 0.48 for rs2094258 and P = 0.42 for rs751402). Using unconditional logistic regression analysis, we found that neither of these ERCC5 variants was associated with increased risk of gastric cancer under co-dominant, dominant, or recessive models