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Metastasis-associated gene 1 expression in human medulloblastoma and its association with invasion and metastasis in medulloblastoma Daoy cell lines

Author(s): Y.S. Chen, S.P. Li, H. Xiao, Z.Y. Xie, M.X. Tan, B. Liu and W.M. Zhang

This study aims to investigate the expression of metastasis-associated gene 1 (MTA1) in human medulloblastoma, and its significance in the invasion and metastasis in a medulloblastoma cell line. Positive expression rate of MTA1 protein in medulloblastoma and adjacent normal tissues collected from 29 medulloblastoma patients was detected by immunohistochemistry assay in vivo. In in vitro experiments, Daoy cells were transfected with MTA1-targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA, MTA1-siRNA group), niRNA (MTA1-niRNA group), and plasmid vectors (control group). Transfection efficiency was evaluated by PT-PCR and western blot; cell adhesion, migration, and invasion capacity was assessed by adhesion assays, scratch assays, and transwell chamber invasion assays, respectively. Results indicated that the positive expression rate of MTA1 protein in the medulloblastoma tissues was higher as compared with that of the adjacent normal tissues.