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MicroRNA-21 promotes proliferation of rat hepatocyte BRL-3A by targeting FASLG

Author(s): J.J. Li,W.H. Chan,W.Y. Leung,Y. Wang and C.S. Xu

Rat liver regeneration (RLR) induced by partial hepatectomy involves cell proliferation regulated by numerous factors, including microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNA high-throughput sequencing has been established and used to analyze miRNA expression profiles. This study showed that 39 miRNAs were related to RLR through the analysis of miRNA high-throughput sequencing. Their role toward rat normal hepatocyte line BRL-3A was studied by gain- and loss-of-function analyses, and one of them, microRNA-21 (miR-21), obviously upregulated and promoted BRL-3A cell proliferation. Using bioinformatics to search for miR-21 targets revealed that Fas ligand (FASLG) is one of miR-21’s target genes. A dual-luciferase report assay and Western blot assay showed that miR-21 directly targeted the 3'-untranslated region of FASLG and inhibited the expression of FASLG, which suggests that miR-21 promoted BRL-3A cell proliferation by reducing FASLG expression.