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Mini tomato genotypes resistant to the silverleaf whitefly and to two-spotted spider mites

Author(s): G.M. Maciel, R.S. Almeida, J.P.R. da Rocha, V. Andal�³, G.R. Marquez, N.C. Santos and R.R. Finzi

The mini tomato production has expanded, becoming an amazing alternative for enterprise. Despite all commercial potential, the cultivation has the occurrence of pests as main obstacle during the crop development. Nowadays, there are no researches that aimed obtaining genotypes with high acylsugar content, capable of providing a broad-spectrum resistance to pests. This study aimed the selection of mini tomato genotypes, with high acylsugar content, and checking the resistance level to the silverleaf whitefly [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)] and to the two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch). Sixteen genotypes were evaluated, from which 12 were on the generation F2BC1, originated from the interespecific cross between Solanum pennellii versus Solanum lycopersicum L. and 4 were check treatments, being three of cultivated tomatos (cv. Santa Clara, UFU-02, and UFU-73) and the wild accession LA-716 (S. pennellii). The variables analyzed were acylsugar content, repellency to the silverleaf whitefly, repellence to the two-spotted spider mites, and density of glandular trichomes. The genotypes UFU-22-F2BC1#9 and UFU-73-F2BC1#11 have high acylsugar content and both are resistant to the pests that were evaluated. New studies must be conducted seeking for inbred lines, obtained from the selected genotypes, aiming to get commercial hybrids with high acylsugar content.